Thursday, November 01, 2007
Die eerste November het met 'n bang afgeskop! Ek kan nie glo die jaar is so ver gevorderd nie - soveel dinge om nog te doen en af te handel voor ons bietjie kan vakansie hou!
Vandag skop ons 6 maande Bybeljourney af....ek het vanoggend alreeds Genesis 1 deurgelees en dit het my bygeval dat dit blyk of die Here iewers voor die skeppingsverhaal al die aarde geskep het, en toe daarna (toe die verhaal begin) toe begin Hy eers met die skepping. Ek dink wat ek probeer se is dat die skeppings verhaal nie noodwendig vir ons n wetenskaplike verduideliking van die skepping wil gee nie, maar eerder God se involvement met die skepping wil vertel. En dit is dan seker ook moontlik dat die aarde ouer is as wat die skeppingsverhaal is....
Hoekom het jy besluit om hierdie journey saam met ons aan te pak?
My rede is dat dit iets is wat ek nogal altyd wou gedoen het, en ek glo dat om dit saam met ander te doen sal my motiveer om die journey end uit te loop (half soos om 'n gim partner te he!) Ek dink ook dat die Bybel geskryf is vir groepe mense, en dat wanneer ons groep dit saamlees ons kan leer bymekaar se vrae, insigte en journey....
Ek hoor graag van almal! Hierdie blog sal vir die volgende 6 maande n gereelde deurloop vir ons wees!...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ek het bietjie op die WWW gaan rondsoek na 'n paar programme hoe ons deur die Bybel kan deurlees....Ek het die volgende een gekry en dink dit kan nogal werk! Wat dink jy?
Read the Whole Bible in 6 Months (26 weeks, 180 days)
The Bible contains 1,189 chapters (Old Testament, 929 chapters; New Testament, 260 chapters).
Reading eight chapters per day, and repeating Proverbs and the End Times books of Daniel and Revelation, a
person can read every chapter in the entire Bible in six months (26 weeks, 182 days).
Pentateuch. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
History. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah,
Esther. (1 and 2 Chronicles are read at the end of the Epistles.)
Poetry. Job, Psalms, Song of Solomon. (Ecclesiastes is read at the end of the Prophets.)
Wisdom. Proverbs (repeated monthly).
Prophets. Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. (Isaiah is read after the
Gospels and Acts.)
Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Followed by Acts and Isaiah.
Epistles. Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon,
Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Followed by 1 and 2
End Times. Daniel, Revelation (repeated throughout the six months).
Ek kan vir jou n volledige dokument deurstuur as jy so belangstel om dit saam met ons te doen!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
So dis hoe dit gebeur het...
Jacques en Peet praat vandag so bietjie op Google Talk oor watter boeke hulle besig is om te lees.Peet daag my uit om The Secret van Rhonda Byrne - want hy meen "lees die ding ek wed jou daars mense in jou kerk wat dit al gelees het." Ek spot sommer terug en vra of hy die Bybel lees want "ek wed jou daars mense in jou kerk wat dit al gelees het"....
Nou ja...
Ons besluit toe saam dis n goeie idee om die Bybel deur te lees - om n beter geheelprentjie oor alles te kry. Maar in plaas daarvan om dit alleen probeer reg kry gaan ons dit saam doen - saam gesels oor wat ons laat dink, watse vrae ons het, en dit wat ons ervaar terwyl ons lees. Ons poog om dit te doen oor die volgende 6 maande - en wil 1 November afskop.
Is jy game?
Laat weet ons!
Sien uit daarna om die journey saam te stap!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Mozambique. For many affluent South Africans the new hotspot for vacations. A country where you Rands can actually buy something. A country of immense beauty.
But this was not to be the Mozambique we would be paying a visit. On Saturday morning, a group of 12 white South Africans, started their voyage to the village of Panda, via Swaziland. The Mozambique we would see, would be reminiscent of a country impoverished by civil wars. A place where the average daily wage is about R15 (about $2). A country plagued by poverty and HIV.
The reason for our trip was to help a local church with their building project. Kruik Gemeente (congregation), Secunda is linked with a local church in Panda through Mozaic Upliftment Trust ( . Mozaic, with Gerhard Erasmus as its leader, is a network that assists Mozambican church leaders in discipling their communities, and equip congregations to raise the standard of of living in their social environment.
The leader of the local church, Eduardo, has lost the use of both his legs - but this hasn't stopped him from planting over 6 congregations in the last few months! The facility that we would help build, would serve as a community centre where other church leaders would be trained, and agricultural and health programs be launched.
As part of the trip, i had the privilege to have a conversation with some of the medical staff in the village. One of the nurses explained that many Mozambican men work in South Africa, and it is common for them to attract HIV here. Back home it is not unusual for the wife to have a boyfriend - more as a way of getting food than anything else. Of course, this all leads to the rapid spread of the disease. It goes without saying that Mozambique and South Africa is linked in more ways that we can imagine.
It is rare to find men in Mozambican churches. They either work away from home in bigger towns or South African. When they are home, they usually fall victim to alcohol abuse. During our time in Mozambique, the few men that helped us with the project - really made a big difference (you can just imagine how equipped a guy from South Africa,used to spend behind blaring laptop screens, can be with a shovel!) Through a local translator, I spoke with one of the Mozambican men - Carlos. Now you should see this guy in action! No job was too hard for him. I thanked him for his valuable contribution. He told me that he enjoys helping other people. He added that would unfortunately have to leave about 4pm, to get 3 hours sleep so that he could be in time for his work at the local bakery for a shift of 12hours!
The next morning Carlos came back from work and gave me two Portugese rolls - to show what he makes, and a token of his friendship. I was struck by his generosity - here was a guy who has so little, but did not find it too big a things to give away. I told Gerhard that I would like to give Carlos and his family something - not as a reward for his hard work, but as a token of my friendship. Gerhard discussed this with the local pastor, and agreed to it. I told Carlos that I would love to give him something that I have made with my own hands - but that I am not very handy. What happened next will stay with me forever....
On receiving the gift, Carlos started to run towards his chickens - picking up anything he can to try and strike one. Eventually, with the help of Gerhard, a chicken was caught and given to me as a gift (which I couldn't refuse.)
There is so many things I can tell you about our time in Mozambique - of women singing all the time while working on the hardest job in the world - mixing cement; about playing soccer with local schoolboys; about worshiping together as one - as brother and sister.
I am still processing through all I have experienced. One things I do realize is that I have received so much - and that with it comes a responsibility ! As a follower of Jesus, I am invited to live in the Kingdom of God - bringing GOOD NEWS.....
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Hi everyone! It has been some time since I have posted anything on this blog (between a busy schedule and Facebook I wonder what is the use of blogging here anyway? Any ideas?)
About a month ago my wife and I went on a week's holiday and I had some time to catch up on some reading....
I have recently had the privilege of reading this wonderful book by Mark Scandrette. I think the reason why it connects in such a deep way with me is that for the last few months I have focused a lot on the Kingdom message of Jesus. The version of Christianity that I have been exposed to primarily has focused on the personal dimension of Jesus' message. My eyes is opening to new possibilities...on bringing the personal side of Jesus message of salvation and the socialof it, together. Not that I am there in any way, but I have this ever-growing longing to keep on searching for the Kingdom of God.
What I like about Mark's book is that he tells his owns story and journey in such a way that it inspires one to experiment with ways to practically live out Jesus' invitation to the Kingdom of God. He paints a realistic portrait of what you can expect, the possibilities and the obstacles of such a life. He reintroduces Jesus to us as companion, an artist, a healer and a mystic. Through the stories of other people he lures us into taking risks into forging a way in the footsteps of Jesus.
implication Soul Graffiti is a wonderful book to journey with others. At the end of each chapter Mark gives some points to ponder and talk about, as well as some examples of "experiments" in helping you making a life in the Way of Jesus.
I think Soul Graffiti is such a gift to those of us who is looking for more depth in our relationship with God....for people who is attracted to Jesus but find it hard to connect with Him through traditional ways and organizations....This book has helped me to form new ideas on how I can follow Jesus day-by-day in a real, practical and soulful way....
I would like to post this quote out of the book and hear your thoughts on it: "I will remember that the Earth was made to provide for our needs through the Creator's abundance - not the work of our hands or the cash in our pockets..."
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ek het vreeslik lanklaas iets geskryf op hierdie blog, en dit is nie dat daar niks in my lewe gebeur nie - maar eerder dat dinge my bietjie besig hou.
Ek skryf vandag bietjie in Afrikaans want dit is my moedertaal. Ek droom in Afrikaans, ek het lief in Afrikaans, ek dink in Afrikaans, en ek aanbid in Afrikaans. Ek vind dit opvallend dat soveel van die gesprekke wat oor die opkomende kerk en die emerging kultuur gaan geskied in middel-klas wit Engelse, en tot 'n groot mate mans. Ek besef dat ons Engels gebruik as voertaal, om sodoende dit meer toeganklik te maak vir soveel as moontlik mense.
Om bietjie in Afrikaans te skryf is dan nie om ander uit te sluit nie, maar om die wat hierdie blog lees in staat te stel om vrylik te gesels en hulle mening te lug. Dit is nie altyd maklik om onsself uit te druk in ons tweede taal nie.
Ek dink verder dat ons Afrikaans-sprekendes kan ook 'n bydrae maak tot die gesprek oor ons frustrasie met kerk, en ook hoe ons die toekoms vorentoe sien. Ons het 'n vol en ryk geskiedenis, met 'n spiritualiteit wat dikwels gekoppel was aan 'n sin van nasionalisme. Hieruit is baie van ons ook besig om te emerge en dit is nodig om met geopende oe en ore te kyk en te luister na hoe dit ons spiritualiteit beinvloed.
Kom ons gesels bietjie daaroor. Ons bevind onsself in 'n post-nasionalistiese tydperk (ok, ek weet nie of die woord bestaan nie, maar dit klink baie clever ;) beskryf nasionalisme as "Nationalism, in its broadest sense, is a devotion to one's own nation and its interests over those of all other nations.[1] The term can also refer to a doctrine[2] or political movement[3] that holds that a nation—usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture—has the right to constitute an independent or autonomous political community based on a shared history and common destiny.[4] For nationalists, the borders of the state should be congruent with the borders of the nation.[5] Extreme forms of nationalism, such as those propagated by fascist movements in the twentieth century, hold that nationality is the most important aspect of one's identity and attempt to define the nation in terms of race or genetics."
Hiermee bedoel ek dat ons as blankes ontwaak het tot die feit dat ons nie beter is as ander nie, en dat daar ander volke en taalgroepe in ons land is. Vir my gaan 'n groot nuwe wereld oop waar ek van ander kan leer hoe hulle God sien, die lewe verstaan en ons bestaan hier interpreteer. Ek het nog nie baie ondervinding hiermee nie, maar tog sien ek al die moontlikhede raak.
Is dit 'n onderwerp wat waardig is van n bespreking hier? Wat dink jy? Hoe het jou uitkyk op jou spiritualiteit verander na 1994? Wat het jy geleer? Het jy enige nuwe vrae? Wat word daardeur beinvloed?
Hoop ons kan lekker hieroor gesels!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Life is a valuable gift, one you cherish even more after standing to lose it.
It has been a week after the ordeal, and to say that our lives have not been touched by this will be dishonest. Through the grace of God, and with the passionate support of friends and family, we are picking up the pieces.
After an incident like this, so many thoughts go through your mind. Will they come back? Where can I feel safe? Should I go overseas? Can I trust anyone? Can I feel safe again?
A lot is being said in our country to bring back the death penalty, harsher punishment for offenders etc. And I can understand why it’s being said – with crime so rampant in our beautiful country.
But Jesus is difficult. He says that we should love our enemies (Matt 5:38-46). We should not take revenge, we should not despise, we should not hate. But these words are harder to do than it is to simply read. How do you love someone who has not only taken from you earthly possessions, but also took from you your sense of safety and trust in the goodness of people?
Slowly but surely, I learn to open my heart for Jesus and allow him to transform my heart and my mind. Those four men who robbed us do not realize what they are doing. I have forgiven them. Their lives are in danger – they can be shot at any day, their lives are hanging by a threat, they could spend all of their remaining days in prison. They are in a desperate situation – at a place where they might be gaining so much of this world, but losing their souls. What happened in their lives that they choose to live this life?
As a follower of Jesus, I believe and trust Him when he says that HE is the way, the truth and the life. I put my trust in that He knows best – that the best way to live is to be free…
Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and may we learn to love our enemies. We do not need more laws, we need more hearts to change.